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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The ONLY Fun Segment in American Idol Season 7 Finale Results Night

Since Carly Smithson was voted off from this year's AI, I lost interest in watching the show. I was rooting for Carly and David (Cook) and was expecting them to be in the finals. Well, things didn't turn out as I was hoping for and only David (Cook) reached the finale. For me, this season was the most boring one ever. :(

Nevertheless, I still found myself watching today's finale results just for the sake of watching it. Not to mention that I was already expecting David Cook to win. Who else? Duh? Honestly, it was such a bore until one segment saved it all... Gladys Night with Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey,Jr.!!! It was the ONLY time that I had fun during the 2-hour looooooooooong show. I was really laughing out loud while watching them, most especially the part when Robert Downey, Jr. suddenly disappeared! :D

I rushed to my computer to search for the video on YouTube and I guess I'm lucky to have found it! Here it is:

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Paoper said...

Nice. I didn't know Robert could... sway... like that. Jack Black is passe.

Lots-a-Fun! said...

yeah! RDJ sways gracefully. :)

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